Application Of Fourier Transform In Communication systems

Application Of Fourier Transform

Fourier transform is a mathematical tool that breaks a function, a signal or a waveform into an another representation which is characterized by sin and cosines. In the theory of communication a signal is generally a voltage, and Fourier transform is essential mathematical tool which provides us an inside view of signal and its different domain, how it behaves when it passes through various communication channels, filters, and amplifiers and it also help in analyzing various problems.

Here are some applications of this transform:

  1. Processing of signal: FT ( Fourier transform ) of a signal informs us what frequencies are present in our signal and in what proportions.

For example, Our phone buttons produce different sounds when we press them. It is because they are each composed of two different frequencies that combine tighter to produce the sound.


  1. Data transmission: analysis of data transmission system where the signal which is transmitted is the Fourier transform and demodulator is discrete Fourier transform.

Example: frequency division multiplexing using parallel data transmission technique.


  1. Sampling: The (Dirac) delta function or (unit) impulse signal, is denoted byApplication Of Fourier Transform In Communication systems .It is usually represented as a vertical arrow at the origin. It is not a true function, and undefined at t = 0. It is defined as a generalized function which satisfies the sampling property (or shifting property)


Application Of Fourier Transform In Communication systems






  1. Spectral estimation is a signal processing method in which the frequency component of a

signal is characterized corresponds to spectral analysis. In communication engineering it is helpful in detecting the signal component (carrier ) which has the noise component in it.


  1. Paley-Wiener criterion:

The necessary condition for the amplitude response

|H(?)| be realizable if


Application Of Fourier Transform In Communication systems

If H(?) does not satisfies above condition, it is unrealizable.

Author : Arusha Ahmed

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: what is modulation and Need of modulation ,what is demodulation and need of demodulation, What is modulation and demodulation in a modem? To improve the quality of reception To increase the range of communication Need of demodulation The wireless signal consists of radio frequency (high frequency) carrier wave modulated by audio frequency (low frequency). view more..
Ans: Modulation is defined as the process of varying some characteristics (amplitude, frequency or phase ) of a carrier wave in accordance to the amplitude of messaging signal or modulating signal, m(t) view more..
Ans: Communication is the process of sending, receiving, and processing of information from one point to another point through a communication channel by electronic means or electronic signals. It requires a source of information, a mode of encode the information so that it can be transmitted, a means of transmitting and receiving the information, and a means of decoding it. view more..
Ans: Application Of Fourier Transform In Communication systems Fourier transform is a mathematical tool that breaks a function, a signal or a waveform into an another representation which is characterized by sin and cosines. view more..

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